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Tuition & Fees



Tuition  for 2024-2025

Class Standard
Preschool – 2 days/week $2,535
Preschool – 3 days/week $3,135
Preschool – 5 days/week $5,155
Full Day Transitional Kindergarten $8,965
Kindergarten $9,180
 1st- 5th Grades  $9,825
6th – 8th Grades $10,675

Additional Fees for 2024-2025

New Student Application 


Full Day Transitional K – 8th Grade
New Student Application


K-8th Grade
New Family Capital Fee
*one time fee/added to first 
year’s tuition




After School Program

Myrtle Grove Christian School provides an after school program for students in Preschool-5th grade. We offer a monthly billing option based on your anticipated use of this program.

Space is limited, please contact admissions for a signup form. An email regarding After School Care will go out to enrolled families in the late spring. Please contact us at 910-392-2067 if you have any questions.


  • Preschool rates for our after school program are based on days enrolled in Preschool.
  • After school program rates for the 2024-2025 school year are coming soon.
2024-25 Preschool Rates  
3 yr. old 2 day Tues/Thurs monthly rate $210
3&4 yr. old 3 day M/W/F monthly rate $260

3&4 yr. old M-F monthly rate *

this includes half day TK

2024-25 Full Day TK-5th grade Rates  
5 day monthly rate $280